Monday, October 15, 2012

A Lyrical Response to America's GOP

I've been listening to this song (off and on) since I was a young eleven-year old. It has such a strong message, and it's so fitting, given this year's political landscape. I try not to judge as the lyrics of this song reiterate. But I feel strongly that there is so much at stake for so many of America's people if a certain party gets elected to the White House. So, because this song sums it up beautifully......take a listen.


  1. Maybe I am missing something, but is there supposed to be a link here, or an embedded YouTube clip?

  2. You have to cut and paste because Blogger is apparently not adept at links anymore. I had to type it in because even though the link was coded, it wasn't showing. Sorry!

  3. I am so glad that I found this blog. I am so glad that I'm not alone with my feelings!! I've read a couple of entries, and I've thought, oh my goodness, this is how I have wanted to articulate these feelings, but instead I bottled them because I didn't have the ability to express them in the way they needed to be expressed. Thank you thank you THANK YOU for being brave and articulate and all the things that I struggle with.


  4. You're welcome, Caitlin. I'm glad my words have helped you. =)
